In order to relieve symptoms of non-infectious uveitis and stop progressive inflammation of the eye as well as prevent possible secondary diseases, the doctor can prescribe various therapeutic measures.
Generally, the following therapeutic approaches are possible.
Administering eye drops or eye ointments that are anti-inflammatory (mostly so-called glucocorticoids, i.e. cortisone) that dilate the pupils and prevent the iris from sticking to the lens (so-called mydriatics) or medication that reduces the intraocular pressure.
Taking or injecting glucocorticoids (cortisone) or anti-inflammatory medication that suppresses the immune system or medication that reduces the intraocular pressure.
In some cases, surgery may be necessary, especially if complications such as retinal detachment or clouding of the lens occur or if increased intraocular pressure cannot be reduced with medication.
Above all, those affected by non-infectious uveitis require patience and endurance when treating their disease. It is important that you do not change your medication dose and administration frequency without consulting your doctor. A healthy lifestyle and contact with other people affected, as well as relaxation exercises can contribute to general wellbeing.